Welcome To Port Orford Historical Photos

Welcome to our website. This is where we post recent additions to the Port Orford Historical Photos website.

Check here first for new images. All entries are eventually added to our master archive at https://portorfordhistoricalphotos.org/

Here are more links where you can learn more about our project:

  • About The Archive
    This gives a background on how the project started and how it is progressing.
  • How To Participate
    We need you to help Port Orford Historical Photos be all it can be! We are working to have every notable person, place and thing represented. Stay tuned. 🙂

The beautiful mural art featured throughout the site is by Darren Evans of Point.B Studio. You can see this mural in its entirety at the Visitors Center at Battle Rock Park.

OPB Article

Check out our work on NPR! We were contacted by Oregon Public Broadcasting to retouch a map from 1895 which is now part of the Port Orford Historical Photos collection.


  1. Hello,
    My friend recently did a motorcycle ride down the coast with friends and filmed it and wants historical photos to fill in during their stops. He really wants to share about the native people who lived here many years ago and would like a photo of Port Orford Jakie. How do we get permission to do that?

    Thank you,
    Jeff Day

  2. Hello, I’m looking to get in touch with someone at the Historical Society that can help me with a Lance V. Nix photograph. Hoping someone can reach me per my contact information that was submitted with my comment.
    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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