Category: Articles & Books

Building Port Orford Library-Construction-1-July-2008-Malamud

Port Orford Library

The construction of the new Port Orford Library in 2007 and its subsequent (re)opening (from it’s previous location in much smaller quarters when it shared the Port Orford…

Port Orford Antennas 1982

KSOR Welcomes Port Orford

Port Orford has roots in the historic KSOR Translators effort which ultimately became Jefferson Public Radio. Thanks to the persistence of the town’s citizens, the first antennas were…

Port Orford Books +

A short list of some useful books and reference media specific to Port Orford. Most are historical or documentary in nature, with a few fictional narratives that include…

Battle Rock Sign — photo by Linda L. Nading

Battle Rock Wayside Sign

Righting history doesn’t happen overnight. The sign commemorating Battle Rock City Park was eventually changed through the tireless efforts of citizens determined to preserve the memory of the…

Port Orford - Harpers Magazine

Wild Life In Oregon – 1856

New to the archive is a high resolution scan of an illustration that originally appeared in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine in 1856 for a story entitled “Wild Life…