We have been busy at Port Orford Historical Photos with a pilot project working with 2CJ to digitize their yearbook annuals. Former 2CJ Alumna Bonnie Cox led the project scanning over 100 books and coordinating the collection working with fellow alumni. Special thanks to Jim Proehl at the Bandon History Museum for his expertise and help scanning many volumes, Rebecca Malamud-Evans for creative direction and site launch coordination, and Zac McDermott for technical savvy and mirroring the collection at the World Famous Langlois website. The collection will eventually include 21 volumes from Port Orford High School, 21 volumes from Langlois High School, and 66 volumes from Pacific High School.
It is a nostalgic walk down memory lane for any graduate from Pacific High School and it is fascinating to watch the design evolve through the years and see the impact that world events had on the publication.
The project is a work in progress, and Bonnie is still searching for several yearbook volumes. We have a project organization page that shows which yearbooks have been scanned and made available online and which ones we are still searching for. If you have a yearbook that is not in our collection and you would like to share it with us, please contact Bonnie and she will coordinate the acquisition and scanning and return the annual to you. Many of these volumes were in poor shape and thanks to Bonnie’s photoshop restoration skills, she has brought the pages back to their original state.
Due to the collaborative nature of this project, you can view the annuals in many different ways. We have a list view which is how the project was initially organized from Bonnie’s notes as well as a browse by cover view and a gallery view courtesy of World Famous Langlois. WFL also makes two versions of the PDF files available for download to accommodate low and high bandwidth connections. Both Port Orford Historical Photos and World Famous Langlois will host the full collection of annuals on their respective websites (as noted, the project is still being organized so all volumes are not available at this time). The original source scans that the PDFs were generated from are scanned to museum standards and will be made available at Pacific High School as well as local public libraries and area historical societies.
We thank everyone who helped make this project possible and are honored to promote access to these materials and encourage fellow citizen historians to participate in preserving our area history.

Read more about the project at the World Famous Langlois website.
Mike Hewitt
I have 1994, you can borrow to scan.
Thanks, Mike — I will check with Bonnie. The cover photo you showed me for 1994 is definitely more colorful than the one we currently have on the site. She said that some of the originals she was working with were pretty low quality. It could be that we just need to rescan the cover. More soon!