Many thanks to photographer and firefighter Scott Crawford for giving us permission to share his photos of Cape Blanco. (Photograph above by Rebecca Malamud-Evans)

Our last assignment of the 2023 wildfire season took us to the Southern Oregon coastline. It was there, we inherited an Incident Command Post (ICP) that was practically in the shadow of a lighthouse.

If you ever get a chance to visit the Cape Blanco Lighthouse (and I hope you do) you should definitely head out there at dusk at least once. Located on the furthest point west in Oregon, the Cape Blanco Lighthouse is a photographer’s dream, offering stunning vistas, craggy rock cliffs, beautiful rock formations jutting out of the sea, just off the horizon, and of course, a sweet lighthouse.

Adding to all this beauty is the forest you pass through to get there. Just beyond the sight of this photo, the forest opens onto the cliffs and sky and if you get there at just the right time, the sun is literally at the opening, in its last moments of blazing glory.
Here, a hotshot crew takes a moment at the end of a long fire season, at the end of a long day, to enjoy the sunset.
Here, after taking a closer look at the lighthouse, a member of a hotshot crew on the Flat/Anvil fires is about to take a moment at the end of a long fire season, at the end of a long day, to enjoy the sunset.

Thanks to you and your crew for protecting our beautiful area, Scott!

You can see more of Scott’s photography in his Flickr Photostream.

More images of the lighthouse during the Anvil Fire can be found at the Cape Blanco Weather Station Project.

Scott Crawford’s Incident Command Post on October 3 2023 (photograph by Rebecca Malamud-Evans)
View of the Anvil Fire from the Elk River Bridge on September 14 2023 (photograph by Rebecca Malamud-Evans).
View of the Anvil Fire from Sixes River Road on September 14 2023 (photograph by Rebecca Malamud-Evans).
The smoke from the Anvil Fire as seen from Cape Blanco on September 14 2023 (Photograph by Levi Thompson)
Smoke from the Anvil Fire as seen from Cape Blanco on September 14 2023 (Photograph by Levi Thompson)

If you have photographs of the Anvil Fire that you would like to share, please contact us below in the comments or you can find more contact information on this page. Thank you!