Happy Birthday, Joan Reynolds

This incredible video was created by Josh Reynolds, son of original Kingston Trio founder Nick Reynolds and the multi-talented Joan Reynolds, as a memorial upon her passing in 2018.

It features some amazing footage of historical sites in Port Orford and the surrounding area where Josh grew up with his parents. As a matter of fact, Josh is a graduate of Pacific High School!

Some other noteworthy Port Orford historical facts: at one time, Nick and Joan Reynolds owned the former Savoy Theater and operated it under the name “Star Theater”. There was once an antique store in the 351-Building where Point.B Studio and Cut-N-Dry Salon are today that was owned and operated by the Reynolds family. Also, footage in the video shows candid moments of the Reynolds family at their home up Elk River. It’s a small world!

Josh is having a concert in Sausalito, CA, tonight in honor of his mother’s birthday which was on April 19th. It is taking place at the historic Trident Restaurant which was owned and operated by the Kingston Trio in their heyday. You can learn more about the history of the Trident Restaurant at http://www.thetrident.net.

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  1. Debra Amstead

    I remember in 1973 while Waiting Tables at the Rainbow Cafe one Night Joan entered the Restaurant as if She was on a Stage….Entertaining the diners with such ENERGY! Truly a spontaneous moment I never forgot! Deborah Masterson Amstead

  2. John Scott Bennett

    Iā€™m so glad I came across this! I knew Joan later in her life in Sausalito. She helped save my life. She was a true vibrant free spirit and it is so nice to see her so young, shining and beautiful! She was quite a force to be reckoned with ! Iā€™m pretty sure we were Tibetan Monks together in a previous incarnation. She was a super friend . I was a terrified 19 year old gay boy and she was 50 years old when I met her, but we were like old souls. She helped me so much at that period in my life. I had the privilege of giving her a massage about a week before she died and she showed me she could still stand and place her hands flat on the ground without bending her knees I loved her. ā¤ļøšŸ™

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