A mini series all about local, sustainable fishing in Port Orford, Oregon by local filmmaker Eric Feliciano @ the Media Nook. Meet Aaron Longton, our guide into the world of fishing in Port Orford, and his trusty vessel, the Goldeneye. Stay tuned for more videos in this series, which will take a deeper dive into specific fisheries, tools, and ocean conditions.
Located on the rugged and beautiful southern Oregon coast, Port Orford Sustainable Sea Food is part of the growing Community Supported Fisheries (CSF) movement that started in 2007. CSF’s sell fresh, locally caught fish to their community members, promoting a symbiotic relationship between fisherman, consumers and the ocean. CSF’s, part of the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) movement, began as a method to help marine ecosystems recover from the effects of over fishing while maintaining a thriving fishing community. Join us as we meet Aaron, Mike and Kean, owners of Port Orford Sustainable Seafood who will tell you they’re a little different -they like to let their authentic, fun selves come through. And it’s true.
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