An excellent contribution from two students from our local high school. It is a presentation that provides a brief historical overview of the early days of mining in Curry County. We’ll be adding more material and photos on the topic at Port Orford Historical Photos – so many thanks to these two for sharing this as a reference.

The Curry County Gold Rush

The Curry County Gold Rush

The Gold Rush Arrives In Southwestern Oregon

The Gold Rush Arrives In Southwestern Oregon

The Miner's Code of Oregon

The Miner’s Code of Oregon

Mining Our Way Through Curry County

Mining Our Way Through Curry County

Main Mining Operations

Main Mining Operations

Sixes Mining Operations

Sixes Mining Operations

Whiskey Run

Whiskey Run

Lost Soldier's Mine

Lost Soldier’s Mine

How They Mined In The 1800s

How They Mined In The 1800s

Early Port Orford

Early Port Orford

Tension With Natives (1854)

Tension With Natives (1854)



Sources - Page 1

Sources – Page 1

Sources - Page 2

Sources – Page 2

The practices outlined in this presentation are included for historical context only and do not reflect present day. Specific to mining, Slide 5 (“Sixes Placer Mining”) depicts hydraulic or placer mining which has been discontinued to protect the beautiful environment and wildlife (primarily Salmon) of Curry County.