Annual Tseriadvn Native Salmon Bake And Honor Ceremony

Tseriadvn Native Salmon Bake and Honor Ceremony is an annual, living history event that honors the indigenous people of our area. The US Army fort at Port Orford had a pivotal role in the Rogue River War and the removal of the First People of Southwest Oregon. This is a time for everyone to come together to pay tribute to those who lived here, the spirits of the old ones, and all who traveled the trail of tears to Siletz. It is a time to share stories, music, food and memories, so our history won’t be forgotten.

Rick Cook has played an important role in getting this event established at Tseriadvn State Recreation Site, which was formerly a Quatomah Village. This site has been inhabited for several thousand years. The Honor Ceremony -Salmon Bake originally started in 1993, at the Port Orford Heads, as Rick explains in the video. It was moved to Tseriadun ( Athabaskan, refering to the rocky headlands “the place that sticks out”) in 2005. Many more details are in the video:

Tseriadvn and the Rogue River Wars

Tseriadun was an inhabited Quatomah village when Captain Tichenor arrived in early summer 1851. It was inhabited for at least 7000 years until 1856, when its population was removed to the Coast Reservation at Siletz.
The Rogue River Wars started October 1855 and ended when Chief John Tecumtum surrendered to Capt. Edward Ord at Rinehart Creek July 2, 1856. In several groups, captive Southwest Oregon Indians were brought to Fort Orford over the last few weeks of the war. They were garrisoned at Tseriadun, hence the name Garrison Lagoon/Lake, adjoining the encampment.
At two in the morning of June 20, 1856, the steamship Columbia dropped anchor in the harbor. Later that day, approximately 670 people were loaded in to the Columbia, a ship meant to only hold 100 passengers, and sailed north.
On July 8, after more native prisoners had been brought to Fort Orford, a second voyage of the Steamer Columbia took away about 700 more individuals. Tecumtum and 125 of his band were not included.
“Old John” Tecumtum, as the Whites called him, was the last warrior chief to surrender after his standoff at Big Bend on the Rogue River. While in captivity at Tseriadun, Capt. Ord took pity on John’s band. It is said Ord brought down a steer and slaughtered it to feed the starving people. As punishment for his resistance, under Major John Reynolds command, Tecumtum and his band were force marched north to the Coast Reservation. This became known as the “Siletz Death March”. Because of the terrain, the grueling march took nearly a month. Many died in route.
According to Oregon Historian, Stephen Dow Beckham, the Native population of Southwest Oregon was conservatively estimated at 9,500 in 1851. Only 1943 survivors were counted at the Coast Reservation in 1857.
Prior to the coming of Euro-Americans, Tseriadvn was a place of life and peace. Each day, fires were built, food was prepared, children were raised, stories were told and songs were sung. Without forgetting the sorrow brought to the village, we should also remember and honor life before. The spirits of the old ones are still at Tseriadvn. When there, if we try, we can feel their presence and share their memories.

"Chief John" Tecumtum 
Tecumtum means "Elk Killer"
“Chief John” Tecumtum
Tecumtum means “Elk Killer”

MAY 2024

Photo by Ron Griffman
Thanks to the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw for the wonderful salmon. Thank You Mark Petrie for doing the cooking again this year
Firewood donated by Darin Faris

This is years gathering was so beautiful
Tummies full of incredible traditionally cooked salmon
The ancient village filled with powerful old songs
Old and New friends connecting and sharing wonderful stories!! “Hi new friends!”
Our youth helping me lead the way to release the salmon back to the sacred water
So many beautiful blessings and prayers shared
Pockets full of glowing agate treasures
Whales dancing in the water off of the moonlit beach
Old sacred grounds for medical gathering
My heart has been filled once again by these sacred ways ,places and people. Thank you my friends!! Love you all!! And huge thank you Rick Cook for everything that you do for the people and these beautiful lands.
And to all of you that didn’t make it, you were very missed!!! I hope to see Everyone next year!! Echo Miller

Returning Salmon to the Sea
Echo Miller and Franklin Thom
Garrison Lagoon from Tseriadun

May 2023

Cooks, Mark Petrie and John Shipp,
Thanks to the Logan Family of Siletz,
Chief Doc Slyter and the Confederated Tribes of Coos Lower Umpqua Siuslaw Indians
for providing the salmon this year.
Also thanks to Jerry Becker of Port Orford for the Alder wood.
Earl Huitt, Leading and Story Telling
Sru-Nee-Nvsh, Logan Canoe Family, Naming Ceremony
The canoe was named Lhuke Xun-ne (Salmon River).
The Spruce log came from Logan Family property.
Pet the Bear, Single Bear Dancer Mike Hoage
Feather Dancers, Port Orford Dock Beach 2023
The Nasomah Singers, lead by Ko-Kwel Brenda Meade and family, were the first to re-introduced the Feather Dance at Tseriadun during the Salmon Bake. Willie and Winona Butler Towner, later continued the tradition, Dancing at Port Orford Dock Beach.
Logan-Towner Family, Lhuke-Nii-Pash Mountain in Background

May 2022

John Shipp cooking salmon
Salmon cooks this year were, Head Cook Mark Petrie, with helpers, John Shipp and Mark Lankton Photo by Nina Fry
Bear Dance
Photo by Crystal Futch
Bear Dance
Photo by Crystal Futch
Coos-Lower Umpqua-Siuslaw and Coquelle Canoes
Garrison Lagoon
Photo by Crystal Futch
Coos-Lower Umpqua-Siuslaw Canoe
Photo by Crystal Futch
Coos-Lower Umpqua-Siuslaw Canoe at Dock
Skipper Doug Barrett
Photo by Aubrey General
On Garrison Lagoon
Video by Crystal Futch
Returning The Salmon
Photo by Echo Miller

May 2019

Earl Huitt shares a story with the group before everyone enjoys the salmon that has been prepared in a Yurok way of cooking, on Redwood stakes, taught by Yurok Elder Grant Pilgrim. Earl is Modoc.

And Uncle Speedy shares one last story before the meal is served.

More Photos of the event at Tseriadun 2019

Willie and the canoe he handcrafted from cedar. Photo by Karen Cooley Jennings.
Willie and the canoe he handcrafted from cedar. Photo by Karen Cooley Jennings.
Making Music at the Annual Tseriadun Native Salmon Bake And Honor Ceremony

Making Music at the Annual Tseriadun Native Salmon Bake And Honor Ceremony
The incredible salmon meal prepared in the Yurok tradition.

The incredible salmon meal prepared in the Yurok tradition. Doug Barrett and the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians donated the fish for the occasion. this year.
Also thanks to Nick Hensley and his crew for donating the Alder for the fire.

Photos and More From Earlier Years

Grant and Aggie Pilgrim co- founders of the Port Orford Salmon Bake and Honor Ceremony in 1993.
Grant and Aggie Pilgrim co- founders of the Port Orford Salmon Bake and Honor Ceremony in 1993. This photo was taken on Fort Point. Grant and Aggie led prayer in remembrance of the Natives who died at battle Rock. Grant was Lower Klamath and Yurok. Grant Pilgrim passed in 1996. We still cook the salmon the way he taught us.

The Port Orford Curse
As the story goes, a young local native came to town to visit his mother who was living near the fort, (probably the village at Tseriadun). When a group of white miners saw him. They believed he was a “trouble maker” responsible for raids on their camps. The miners made prisoner of the young man and took him to Battle Rock where he was lynched. His mother attempted to come to his aid, begging the mob to let her son go. As they hung the boy from a tree on the Rock, his mother stood on Fort Point and chanted a curse on the town.
(Fort Point is adjacent and to the north of Battle Rock, where the citizens fort was erected).

Naming ceremony of Cow Creek’s new canoe, “Nahankuatana”, at Tseriadun Honor Ceremony.
Nahankuatana is a prehistoric tribal entity  of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians.
Naming ceremony of Cow Creek’s new canoe, “Nahankuatana”, at Tseriadvn Honor Ceremony, Nahankuatana is a prehistoric tribal entity of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians.

There hadn’t been an Indian Canoe on Garrison Lake since Port Orford Jakie plied his, back in the 19th century. Willie Towner, descendent of Mackanotin (Mikono-tunne) Rogue River people, along with Coos, Coquille, Warmsprings and Cow Creek Canoe Families reintroduced Native canoes to the lake in 2013.
Port Orford Jakie Chemetunne
Port Orford Jakie
Sixes River Native
Jakie lived in Port Orford in the latter 1800’s. Old time Locals recalled him paddling his dugout canoe on Garrision Lake. Jakie and Whiskers, chief of the Quatomah escaped Siletz and returned to the Sixes River. Whiskers is buried on the Sixes. Jakie is on Euchre Creek.

Warm Springs Canoe, Coquille Canoe in background, Garrison Lake, 2013
Warm Springs Canoe, Coquille Canoe in background, Garrison Lake, 2013

Beach Fire at the Annual Tseriadun Native Salmon Bake And Honor Ceremony
Fire and Feather Dance at Port Orford Dock Beach night before Tseriadun Honor Ceremony/Salmon Bake

Fire and Feather Dance at Port Orford Dock Beach night before Tseriadvn Honor Ceremony/Salmon Bake

Feather Dance at Tseriadvn

Klamath Bear Dance
Klamath Bear Dance

Aggie Pilgrim and Gilbert Towner
At Tseriadun  200
Aggie Pilgrim and Gilbert Towner
At Tseriadvn 2008

Speedy Fry teaches Samantha Fox about cooking salmon. Tseriadun 2008
Speedy Fry teaches Samantha Fox about cooking salmon. Tseriadvn 2008
Speedy Fry teaches Samantha Fox about cooking salmon. Tseriadun 2008

Drumming 2008
Katrina Fox,  Eric  Chouinard, John  Mienin and Mike Vaughn
Drumming 2008
Katrina Fox, Eric Chouinard, John Mienin and Mike Vaughn

Bill Van Pelt and Kyle Towner Preparing  Fish 2011
Bill Van Pelt and Kyle Towner Preparing Fish 2011

Returning  Salmon Bones to the Ocean at Agate Beach, Tseriadun State Park
Returning Salmon Bones to the Ocean at Agate Beach, Tseriadvn State Park
Crystal Shade (Tutuni/Tolowa) Returns Salmon bones
Crystal Shade (Tutuni/Tolowa) Returns Salmon bones

Shiela and Jim Rich ( Cow Creek) at Agate Beach, Tseridaun State Park

Shiela and Jim Rich ( Cow Creek) at Agate Beach, Tseriadvn State Park

Kyle Towner and Catherine Dupaquier  
making a cedar bark mat to put the fish  bones on
Kyle Towner and Catherine Dupaquier
making a cedar bark mat to put the fish bones on

"Putt'er Over Thar" Moving tables at Tseriadun, Rick Cook, Gary Wickham and Bill Van Pelt
” Putt’er Over Thar”
Moving tables at Tseriadun, Rick Cook, Gary Wickham and Bill Van Pelt

Aggie Pilgrim and Speedy Fry checking the fish, Bev Fry, Gilbert Towner and Bill Van Pelt.
Aggie Pilgrim and Speedy Fry checking the fish, Bev Fry, Gilbert Towner and Bill Van Pelt
In the background, 2003 Heads Wayside State Park.

Grandma Aggie, 2003 Heads Wayside State Pork
Grandma Aggie, 2003 Heads Wayside State Pork
Sitting next to Aggie is Bev Fry and then Gilbert Towner
Foncy Prescott standing

Going Sunwise, Barry Joyce and grandson Malakai, Tim Lobato, Dallas Socia, Katrina Fox and Rodney Fisher,  2003, Heads Wayside State Park.

Going Sunwise, Barry Joyce and grandson Malakai, Tim Lobato, Dallas Socia, Katrina Fox and Rodney Fisher,  2003, Heads Wayside State Park.

 2003, Heads Wayside State Park.

 2003, Heads Wayside State Park.

Donny and Victor Fry Standing, unidentified  person talking with Gilbert Towner
Donny and Victor Fry Standing, unidentified person talking with Gilbert Towner
A little colder day at the Heads Wayside State Park
Everyone is sittin closer to the fire.

Jerry Hall drum with Dallas Socia, Rick Cook, Susan Parker and Nalen Hall
Jerry Hall drum with Dallas Socia, Rick Cook, Susan Parker and Nalen Hall
Port Orford Heads State Park 2001
Drawn by visiting artist Willow Zheng
Drawn by visiting artist Willow Zheng

Grandma Agnes Baker Pilgrim
Grandma Agnes Baker Pilgrim
She is the oldest member of her tribe, the Takelma . She is also the Granddaughter of Jack Harney, the first elected Chief of the Confederated Tribe of Siletz. For over 15 years Grandma Aggie led the Ceremony, first on the Port Orford Heads and later at Tseriadun.

Our beloved Agnes Baker Pilgrim has gone on to join the creator and her ancestors. She crossed over Wednesday November 27, 2019. Please bless her journey with prayers from the heart. May our love make her journey smooth. Love to her children, grandchildren, and many relatives.

Our Honored Elder Enselsun Gilbert Towner

Our Honored Elder Enselsun Gilbert Towner
Our Honored Elder Enselsun Gilbert Towner
Enselsun Gilbert Towner was born Dec. 12, 1929, to Leslie and Louise Towner at Siletz, Ore.,
Gilbert’s great-grandfather, Enselsun, was War Leader of the Tututni in the Rogue Wars. “Family members have served in WWI and WWII. We uphold the tradition of my great-grandfather, we are Americans.” Sergeant Towner was a Korean War Marine, surviving the Chinese Spring Offensive at the Chosin Reservoir.
Gilbert attended and oversaw the Tseriadun Honor Ceremony and Salmon Bake for 14 years.
He was fluent in his Tututni/Mackanotin Language, giving classes to Lower Rogue and
Coquille tribal Members. Sadly, he crossed over in 2009. We certainly miss him.
Our friend Bill. We miss you!
Our friend Bill
We miss you!

We honor two of our friends and relatives, Speedy and Donny Fry, who recently crossed over. Speedy was one of the founders of the Tseriadvn Honor Ceremony/Salmon Bake. He helped Grant Pilgrim cook the first years, then took over cooking in 1998. Speedy’s jokes and laughter will forever be missed.
Speedy’s cousin Donny, for over 25 years, organized the Fry Family POW WOW at Agness, Oregon. Donny attended the Tseriadvn Salmon Bake, contributing salmon, pop-up awnings and stories of life on the Rogue River

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Speedy-Fry-614x1024.jpg
Raymond “Speedy” Fry

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Donald-Fry.jpg
Donald “Donny” Fry
Wilbur “Willie” Towner
Sept. 24, 1960-March 15, 2024
Good Friend and Relative

The following is a 2008 Newspaper article about our Tseriadun Ceremony.

Port Orford Today
May 22, 2008
Indian Honor Ceremony
By Ron Daves

Last Sunday at Tseriadun Day Use Park, people started arriving at about 8am. The crowd continued to grow until about 10, when we heard the boom, boom, boom coming our way from where the crowd was gathering. From our camp host’s motor home, we could see men digging a hole in the lawn.

Normally, this would be the harbinger of a big problem for a camp host. However, this was a gathering of several of our Indian tribes having an “Honor Ceremony and Salmon Bake”. The organizer had cleared the gathering and digging of a fire pit with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. There were people of Indian heritage from Confederated Tribe of Siletz Indians, which includes the Tututin and Takelma Tribes. Also attending were people from the Coos, Coquille and Karuk.

We sauntered into the crowd and found ourselves in a “Friendship Circle”, where everyone joined hands and rotated in a clockwise direction to the cadence demanded by the drum beats. Next, the circle broke into two lines and the lines proceeded to pass one-another with each person shaking hands with the person across from him. Nice way to interact with everyone.

Following that, an Elder, Gilbert Towner, 79 years of age, from Idaho, called everyone to an “Elder-Speak” gathering, Mr. Towner, known as “Enselsun”, and 84-year old Aggie Pilgrim spoke to the respectful group about loving one another and respecting our rivers and streams, among other uplifting subjects.

Aggie Pilgrim told of her world travels with 12 other grandmothers from various countries. This group of 13 grandmothers has spoken worldwide, even to the Pope, about respecting our rivers and streams and not turning them into garbage dumps.

Next, the Wild Salmon, which was cooked on sticks by the fire in the hole the men had dug, was served together with fry bread. We had eaten lunch shortly before the salmon was served, so we took our fish home for dinner. It was delicious. This was a great day for myself and my wife, Sandra, to enjoy these gentle people and to experience their history and customs.

Tseriadun History By R. Scott Byram, Ph.D. Coquille Indian Tribe Consulting Archaeologist

Tseriadun (Port Orford Heads) was a unique Native village on the Oregon coast. Located near a coastal headland, offshore islands and reefs, and a coastal lake that was once an estuary, the village had access to a tremendous variety of resources from the sea and the land. The name Tseriadun comes from the large rocky headland that offered protected waters for ocean canoeing during much of the year.
From their homes by the coast, it was only a short hike to mountain hunting camps, and fishing sites along Kusuma (the Elk River), one of the most productive salmon streams on the Oregon coast today.The people of Tseriadun were wealthy in many ways. They lived in finely made houses built of cedar planks, with smooth clay floors. Like others in southwest Oregon, they made fine stone tools, and they were known for their sea hunting skills. They were expert canoeists, fishers and hunters, and skilled artisans. They used hundreds of native plants for food, medicine, and a variety of other technologies.The Tseriadun people spoke an Athapaskan dialect, reflecting strong ties to the Tututni and Totowa to the south and the Coquille to the north and east. They often traveled to distant villages for celebrations, trade, gaming and athletic events, and to visit relatives. Storytelling was more than a pastime; it was a way to pass on history and cultural tradition. Women usually married into Tseriadun from other communities at the Rogue or Coquille rivers and beyond, and it was not uncommon for several different dialects to be spoken in one village.Archaeological evidence shows that the native people lived at Tseriadun for over 5,000 years, and possibly more than 10,000 years. Most of the food remains at archaeological sites in Port Orford are of marine origin, including the bones of whales, sea lions, seals, sea otter, rockfish, salmon, and shellfish, especially mussels.In 1856 the Tseriadun people were forcibly removed from their homelands by the U.S. military, and relocated at the Coast Reservation (later called Siletz Reservation). Many of their descendants live at Siletz today. Other descendants trace their ancestry to those who moved back to the southern Oregon coast after the government closed portions of the Coast Reservation in the 1870s.

The incredible salmon meal prepared in the Yurok tradition.
26th Annual Tseriadun Native Salmon Bake And Honor Ceremony Picnic
Photo by Rebecca Malamud-Evans

“Honoring Those Who Came Before Us”

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  1. Noch.nos.sia a.k.a. Willie Towner

    Thluke’ hemutz ne’ itsla….( we should never give up on our spiritual journey! ) Thank you for your time n efforts in creating this footage. We have soooooooo much more to offer and share. Especially about #REALHISTORY !! #wearestillhere

  2. Looking forward!

    • Cathy Boden

      Thank you Rick for capturing this continuing story. It has been such an honor to be welcomed to participate.

  3. You are Welcome Cathy. We appreciate You and John’s support of this event. For me, it has also been an honor and privilege to be part of this.

    • HA-KA'NE tha TUTUTNI WARRIOR Kyle towner


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