First Mayor of Port Orford.

  • 1886 — Born in Philadelphia.
  • 1933 — Moved to Port Orford.
    → Purchased the bankrupt Inman Mine (see Camp Gable); opened a sawmill and developed The Hamlet where he lived until his death in 1941.
  • 1935 — Incorporated Port Orford and became first mayor.
    City Charter, January 1936
    Dock and Jetty Proposal.
    Minutes from first City Council Meeting.
  • 1934-1939Jetty Construction.
    → After purchasing the harbor, Graveyard Point was dynamited to create new jetty (a decision with major repercussions still to this day).
  • 1937-1941 — Proposed the Gold Coast Railroad Proposal to connect Port Orford with the main Southern Pacific Line in an effort to improve transportation to the remote region.
    → Conceived the State of Jefferson in response to the refusal of the railroad proposal.
  • Died on December 2 1941, a few days before he was to be declared governor of the State of Jefferson and 5 days before WWII.

More Photos at Gilbert E. Gable Era — 1935-1940

Watch The State Of Jefferson (start at 13:03 for Gilbert Gable)

Read more at Recollection by Leon White on being Mayor of Port Orford

Google: “Gilbert Gable”