The Port Orford Historical Photos Collection is hosted at Point.B Studio in historic Triangle Square in Downtown Port Orford. We are in the building on the far right of this photo taken by artist Lance Nix. The top photo was taken by Lance in modern times during a rare coastal snow event on March 5 2017 and shows the buildings pretty much as they look in present day. You can read a little more about the history behind these buildings in the article below first published in the Gold Beach Visitors Guide in 2014.

The 351-Building where Point.B Studio is located was actually built much earlier than 1915 with photos placing it as early as 1888.
The 351-Building where Point.B Studio is located was actually built much earlier than 1915 with photos placing it as early as 1888. Early photos of the original site also exist in that time period.

Below is a photo that was kindly donated to our project that shows the type of green, “Chevrolet Green”, that is mentioned in the above article.

Chevrolet Green

And here is a photo of Lance’s dog, Cromwell, who graced the cover of the 2014 issue. Lance was Cromwell’s constant companion on his photographic journeys on the Oregon Coast and beyond! You can check out his photostream on Flickr for more great images and adventures.

Lance Nix's Dog, Cromwell (of ROAD TRIPS fame)

A few more photos taken of Triangle Square in its more historical days. The 351-Building (Home to Point.B Studio) and the building up the hill in the middle of the frame are the only ones still standing.

Port Orford Bank - Opening Day - 6th and Harbor Drive c1910. 351-building is on the left
Port Orford Bank – Opening Day – 6th and Harbor Drive c1910.
The future site of Triangle Square is in the center of the photo directly behind the line of bank customers. The 351-Building is estimated through research to have first been built c1920. The house on the hill in the center of photo is “Tichenor’s Rest”, built after 1900.
Another photo circa the 1930s without it's signature green pitched roof.
Another photo circa the 1930s without it’s signature green pitched roof. The two windows have also been replaced on the second floor to three across. The Western Hotel is visible on the left.
It is estimated that the pitched roof was added again to the 351-building circa 1935.
It is estimated that the pitched roof was added again to the 351-building circa 1935.
Triangle Square and The 351-Building circa 1935 when it was known as"The Club."
Triangle Square and The 351-Building circa 1935 when it was known as”The Club.” The signage is clearly visible. The facades and structures of the buildings in town have changed quite a bit over the years.
Line art schematic of the Historic Triangle Square by Levi Thompson.
Three panoramic photos of Historic Triangle Square during a rare double rainbow event
Taken on May 02 2020 🌈 🌈 Photo by Rebecca Malamud.