Greetings from Port Orford Historical Photos! We’re making great headway on our Port Orford Today Archival Project with four more additional years (1993-1996) of material ready for publication (in addition to the five years we added in 2019 when we started this project).

We are scanning in paper copies of the print archive and are preparing them to be machine-readable across any platform. This was quite challenging to do because the paper stock used in each of the issues were different colors, a signature trait of the publication. We had to code a batch process algorithm that worked across 4 years of issues (for now – there is more than that to restore) plus assemble them all as multi-page PDF documents. Another goal was that the text be searchable as with the prior issues and that the download file size be as small as prior issues (<400K).

Here’s a beta-test:
Bookmark this page as we continue to add past editions! We have given our archival project the codename “Port Orford Plunge” as we continue to add historical material, perhaps Evan Kramer will join in with some new stories for our website.
Dana Gurnee
A marvelous and spectacular achievement
Thanks, Dana!